Jul 13/18 H.A., Kelowna, BC
Awesome stuff (Van’s Instant Cold Blue)…really happy with it.
Feb 14/16 C.S., Calgary, AB
Thanks for the info. I must say your customer service is bar none. All products supplied to me have exceeded my expectations. That includes Clenzoil, RB-17 and Van’s. Customer service and follow-up have been excellent.
Dec 7/15, Glenrock, Wyoming, USA
You can certainly link us and quote us as saying you have the best cold blue out there - we only use it for touch-up work, but it is fantastic in those cases. We generally do hot bluing but use cold blue to test for stainless and for touch-ups. Yours is the best we’ve found in the twenty years we’ve been in business…glad you’re still stocking it!
Aug 16/15 E.W. Jr. , Texas, USA
Without a doubt the best cold blue on the market. I’m restoring a 1980 S & W Model 28-2 Highway Patrolman .357 Magnum revolver. Although the project is not yet completed, the early results are incredible to put it mildly. I tried a 4 oz. bottle to get started, was so pleased with the results that I’m ordering a gallon for future projects.
Aug 13/15 shared by Van’s USA
I have been using your product for many years on firearms that are more than 60 years old. Matter of fact, I’m still on a gallon of Van’s that I bought many years ago. Nothing surpasses your product! My first 22LR Sears Model 6C and Browning Auto 95 shotgun are still in ‘like new’ condition. Thank you.