Deep cleans metal parts in seconds​.
118ml/4 oz - $25
473ml/16 oz - $65
This world-renowned non-toxic, biodegradable gel is made of ‘earth friendly’ natural products. Although it contains no acids, phosphates, or petroleum by-products, it’s highly aggressive, completely dissolving (deep cleaning) rust from metal parts in seconds.
For firearms restoration RB-17™ is ideal as it removes rust without harming the bluing!
It removes the oxygen molecule from the process of oxidation, breaking down oxides like lead, copper and iron expediently and safely. RB-17™ contains a derivative of ammonia but no toxic solvents. [Users with asthma and depressed immune systems advise that they comfortably work with this product.]
As a gel, it can be easily applied to a metal surface without being dispersed into the atmosphere. A little bit goes a long way for efficient cleaning without waste or dripping.
When firing accuracy counts, you can trust RB-17™ to do the job easily and quickly by:
dissolving unwanted lead/copper/brass/plastic bore buildup.
erasing black powder residue off any black powder pistol or rifle.
removing powder burns found on stainless steel / chrome revolver cylinders.
It also removes old gun oil, hand stains and worn varnish on stocks.
RB-17 is popular among shooters, gun collectors and gunsmiths. It not only improves a firearm’s accuracy and appearance, it acts as a first-class cleaner/degreaser when prepping metal for bluing or Parkerizing.
RB-17 is appreciated by the Canadian and USA armed forces as well as police/security services. It’s also highly valued by Olympic shooters, armourers and the makers of fine barrels, triggers and bullets.
It’s considered one of the finest firearms maintenance products in North America but RB-17™ isn’t just for guns!
Besides garnering praise from firearm folks, RB-17™ is a superior metal rust dissolver highly acclaimed by:
bicycle/motorcycle restorers
automotive repair shops
metal extruders & fabricators
tool & die makers
knife/sword makers
metal artisans
RB-17's had a huge fan club for over 40 years. It's praised for its ease of use and environmentally favorable DNA.
A customer shared these pics with this endorsement:
Nov 28/20 R.H., Interior, SD, USA
That stuff (RB-17) worked great to clean up the 70yr old shotgun I was trying not to have to strip. Feel free to add my comments. I don't usually endorse any products but this one is worth the price even with the shipping and I couldn't be happier with the job it did. Before I used the product I couldn't even read the make and model. Now it looks good enough to take it and use though I'm not going to do that with a 70yr old shotgun.

Oct 24/23 T.K., Middleport, NY USA
Thanks again for the great customer service and information. I’d very much like to buy some RB-17. I thought it was gone from the market these last 20 years so am thrilled to see it is still available.
Aug 2/22 J.C., Polebridge, MT USA
I used the RB-17 for lead removal in my two black powder muzzle loading rifles and it works great. Other lead removal products are petroleum based and not suitable for black powder firearms. I didn't have to use very much for the two rifles as it goes a long way, but I would like to place an order for one more bottle.
May 11/22 L.P., Idalou, TX, USA
Joan, my son and I love RB-17..only problem is our friends wanting to borrow it! You’re the best person to do business with!! You’re a credit to all you do because your customer service shines, dear. Thanks so much for the update. I am grateful to ya!!!
May 16/21 B.W., Steinbach, MB
My brother’s instructed me to order another large bottle of the RB-17 when available as he can’t stop telling me how great it is!!! I’ve not had time to do any shooting but was amazed at what it pulled out of my ‘clean’ ones. You were right!
How do I use RB-17 for metal surface cleaning?
For the easiest and most effective results, warm the metal with a hair dryer or heat gun to open the pores so the cleaner thoroughly penetrates the metal allowing it to work most effectively. Use very fine steel wool (0000) to apply the RB-17 to the metal surface and scrub well. Keep the metal warm. Thoroughly wipe off cleaner and apply a good rust preventative oil like Clenzoil to neutralize the action.
NOTE: Use only fine steel wool (0000) to clean a blued gun as a scuffing pad will damage the bluing.
Steel wool usually has oil in it to prevent rusting. If you can’t buy it, put the wool in boiling water for a few minutes and then shake it well and dry it out before using (hair dryer works well).
If you don’t have steel wool, you can apply RB-17 to surface metal with a clean soft toothbrush, then leave it for 2 to 3 hours to dissolve the debris. Wipe off the metal and then apply a good rust preventative oil. RB-17 can be left on surface metal for a few hours but not in the bore of a firearm.
How do I use RB-17 for HEAVY DUTY cleaning jobs?
After an initial cleaning with fine steel wool (0000), you can prepare an RB-17 bath to give the parts a good soak. Add 60ml/4 TBSPs of cleaner to 14 liters/3 gallons of water at 82 degrees C/180 degrees F. Immerse the parts for 10 to 15 minutes in the solution while you scrub them with a bristle brush wearing rubber gloves. For extreme cleaning consider this recipe:
MIX WELL 14 liters/3 gallons of cold water, 60ml/4 TBSPs RB-17 and 120ml/8 TBSPs common lye from the hardware store.
Heat to 82 degrees C/180 degrees F, add parts and start scrubbing. Be sure to wear rubber gloves, as well as protective clothing and eyewear in a well-ventilated room!
NOTE: This mixture can be re-used a number of times…just be sure to skim off any sediment/slag and re-heat to 82 degrees C/180 degrees F.
How do I use RB-17 for bore cleaning?
Since RB-17 is a gel, it will stick to your bore brush/cleaning rod. It will dissolve or dislodge any lead, copper, etc. that may have built up in the lands and grooves. The lands and grooves are what give the bullet its spin.
Follow these steps:
Saturate the brush/rod with the cleaner and then scrub the bore until it is clean. Run it up and down the bore as many times as needed.
NOTE: Use a brass cleaning rod or plastic covered steel rod…NEVER steel on steel as they tend to stick together and this interferes with the bore cleaning process. -
If the bore is very dirty you may want to let the RB-17 soak in the bore for 5 to 10 minutes after your first scrubbing. Then scrub again and repeat as necessary until residue lightens in colour.
CAUTION: RB-17 is an excellent and efficient cleaner but DO NOT leave it in the bore for any extended period of time. Also DO NOT mix it with other cleaners or solvents. -
Run a clean dry cotton shotgun patch down the bore to eliminate any remaining residue.
Using another clean dry cotton shotgun patch, apply a true rust preventative oil like Clenzoil to protect the metal and prevent oxidation.
What is the RB-17 challenge?
Competition shooters have long recognized that a clean barrel is absolutely essential to achieving fine accuracy. So if accuracy is what you want, use RB-17 to clean the bore.
If you believe your current cleaner does a good job, accept the RB-17 challenge to see if it really performs for you. Clean it then apply RB-17 to your bore brush and pass it 6 or 7 times through the bore. Leave it in the bore for 6 to 7 minutes, then scrub the bore again with RB-17 making 6 to 7 more passes. Now wipe out the bore with a clean patch.
The gray-looking residue you will see is lead, copper fouling, powder residue or rust coming out of the lands and grooves of what you thought was a clean bore!
How do I clean a revolver?
To remove the powder burns found on the cylinders of stainless steel or chrome revolvers, follow these steps:
Apply RB-17 to the forcing cone and allow to soak.
Apply RB-17 to a scuffing pad and scrub the powder burns from the face of the cylinder. For best results use, Scotch-briteTM scuffing pads. Scotch-brite is a registered trademark of the 3M Corp.
Next apply RB-17 to a bore brush and clean the charging holes.
Return to the forcing cone and use the scuffing pad with RB-17 to scrub off the powder build-up.
Apply a true rust preventative oil like Clenzoil to protect the metal and prevent oxidation.
Does RB-17 remove pits from metal?
No! However RB-17 will take the rust out of the pits. To remove the pits, carefully use a metal file on them (if very deep, welding may be needed).
Is RB-17 a rust preventative product?
No. RB-17 is an excellent and efficient cleaner but it isn’t a preservative. After cleaning apply Clenzoil for total rust prevention.
How can I use RB-17 as a quick action gun spray?
Cut the RB-17 cleaner 50/50 with methyl hydrate (a form of alcohol – not the drinking kind!) and use it in a spray pump bottle.
Is there a shelf life for the RB-17?
No. RB-17 can be stored indefinitely in a cool, dry place but be sure to keep it from freezing.