If you have an e-address, there’s no need to complete the PJ’s Order Form. Just use the Contact Us form to send an e-mail listing the products required, with complete shipping details and any special shipping instructions. A shipping quote is e-mailed for your approval then an e-transfer or PayPal payment request is issued. Once funds have cleared, a payment confirmation is sent. When your order is shipped, tracking details are forwarded. A follow-up e-mail is sent to confirm satisfactory delivery, then a few weeks later, a final e-mail checks that you are happy with your purchase.
USA customers with an e-address are billed in US dollars via PayPal. Extra tracking e-mails are sent or phone calls are made to advise when the shipment has crossed the border and cleared customs. Customers are thoroughly informed of a shipment’s progress. Delivery is usually within 5 to 6 business days.
If you don’t have an e-address, call any day of the week from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm (EST) with your order details for a shipping cost to be determined. You’ll be advised of the total amount of the payment to be mailed. Complete the PJ’s Order Form and mail it to the Contact Us address with your cheque/money order payable to Joan Enright. For USA customers, only a USA BANK money order is acceptable (not a USA Post Office money order as it can’t be cashed in Canada).
++++Customers are welcome to pick up product and save shipping expense but need to make an appointment to do so.++++
Joan Marie Enright
Joan, PJ’s widow, continues to run the business in Paul’s memory. They were a truly happy team for 44 years.